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Erotické služby > Práce v erotice > Stockholm

6. 4. 2017

Top Job Offer - SWEDEN - Fantastic Money - Stockholm - 18 let, Stockholm Žena

Do you need money. Would 10,000 Euros in two weeks help you ? You couldl have the chance to visit and work in Stockholm one of the best Escorting cities in the world.
What we require:
Beautiful Slim Girls 18 - 28 years of age - with a good attitude - You should be friendly and responsible
trustworthy and good with communication - You should a have good quality photos taken recently -
Spoken English language is required
Minimum stay is 2 weeks or more
Beginners are welcome and we can offer advice and help train you
You could expect to earn 800 Euros + per day and more
Contact me:

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