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I am looking for bisexual , sporty , fun girlfriend to serve together for the Masters . - 35 let, kraj: Hl. m. Praha Muž

I am 35 years old . Sporty , attractive guy .
I work as a servant of the Boss and his wife.
Together with them, I constantly travel to different countries and cities. They live for 1-2 months in one country and then move .

I am looking for bisexual , sporty , fun girlfriend to serve together for the Masters . The full material support . Long-term relationship .
My responsibilities - tickets , electronics, information and so on.
At the girlfriend - help Mistress of the house , the kitchen , training in the gyms, and play sports together . If you can sew , it is generally fine )
I like girls to dress sexy maids , etc. Leather, latex . Like obedience.

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