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Spain Holiday for Favours - kraj: Hl. m. Praha Muž

Hello beauties, Is there a jung (18-26) woman, who likes to make men happy, with need of holidays in Spain? I offer 2-4 weeks free living and food, nightlife and beach, only thing you have to pay for is the transit to Spain. I am not at all bad looking, polite, respectfull, specially with woman, ethical correct and never aggresive. I can provide more infos if we get in touch and I like your appearance. I am not looking for sluts, just jung woman that want to make the best of their youth and need a timeout from home or want to improve their spanish. Very impotant is hygene and good modals. For further Kontakt just E-Mail. I do speak english, spanisch, german and a bit of french, so the communication shouldnt be a problem.

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